Hey Philly,
Remember when we just won the world series for the first time in 28 years? That was great! Then my car got flipped over and that wasn't great.
I couldn't afford a full coverage insurance policy on my car so my insurance company won't cover a vandalism claim. I also had to hire a towtruck to flip it back because Triple A doesn't cover this either. (UPDATE: Triple A just contacted me saying that I dealt with an independent contractor who "failed to understand what the coverage was without verifying with us" and then offered a reimbursement for the tow and their apology. Thanks to them for that.)
I can't afford to buy a new car or to have this one fixed - if it's even possible. I work as a freelance videographer and a car is crucial for me being able to work and get to my different jobs.
So I was thinking...
There was alot of people on Broad Street last night. If all the people who were hanging out near Broad and Washington (where the car was flipped) gave me ten dollars I could probably buy a new car... or if all the people who actually flipped my car gave me a thousand dollars that could work too.

Either way Philly you broke my car... please help me fix it!

Awe Ted, thats awful. You know I was thinking this morning about how those cars could have belonged to one of my friends. I sincerely hope people give you money. I wasnt there but will drop my $10. Good LUCK!
Even though I was not in Philadelphia at the time, I would donate a few dollars via Paypal just to help out if I could be reasonably certain you are really the owner of that car. I'd feel pretty foolish if I later found out you weren't.
Cole Hamels should donate his car to you.
hey man, i dugg this
Dugg as well. Wasn't in Philly, but Annie said you needed help. I don't get paid until tomorrow. But I'll hook you up then.
proof plz
Also, what the heck possessed you to park at Broad Street it's not like you didn't have advanced notice. One night in a garage would sure be cheaper than a new car
That is the *worst* ethical argument ever. Shame on you.
Just for that, I'm chipping in.
wait. it was an ethical argument?
I am not saying he deserved it. I am not even saying I wouldn't give money (after I know it's real), but I am saying that the situation lacks a little common sense.
(maybe it's because I'm actually from Philly unlike 85% of my 20 something neighbors that live in Center City and Bella Vista )
4 blocks, and only this one car got flipped, Chrissy?
You're a skeptical tightwad reluctant to part with your cash. I get that, and nothing wrong with it. However, the far far majority of people parked on Broad who didn't have their cars flipped shows that this is basically an instance of bad luck than it is a "should have known better" moment requiring chiding.
Moreover, I don't think this is a moment of "Philly savvy" knowing better than the rube because of your deep insight into the "Philly character." From what I saw on Broad last night all the born and raised types were celebrating happily and peacefully. It was college kids and recent grads lighting crap up and trashing public property. The hard core "ogre" types were too overwhelmed to stumble out of their corner bars.
I was near your car before it got flipped. You parked at a 45 degree angle 10 feet from a riot with 10,000 crazy drunk fans. I can't believe you are going public. Your first mistake was not getting insurance. That was stupid. Parking your car 10 feet from Broad Street on Walnut the night The Phils win a Championship is probably the most stupid thing a person can do. I feel bad idiots fliped your car, but it is your fault.
I'm a Mets fan. I am sorry but I always knew your fans were assholes.
just because the phil's won the world series doesn't justify anyone destroying any kind of public property or looting. this is not ted's fault, he's not an idiot for parking his car there, and he HAD insurance.
we aren't all rich, and we can't all afford the full coverage. its not like your car getting flipped over in a baseball riot is something one would anticipate.
there is no reason why one person should have to suffer for other peoples stupidity.
this was hilarious! i probably would have helped flip over ur car. not because ur an asshole or anything. ur prolly a cool guy, just because of the excitement of the first championship brought to philly in my lifetime. ill donate too.
That car flipping is a shame.
My car was in the middle of South Broad street and dudes were all kinds of running over it. There are tons of dents and my mirror was knocked off. Let me know what kind of car you end up getting cause I need a new one and it sounds like a cool way to get a new car sort of for free. I'll do the same thing I did to your car and write the opposing teams name all over my car next time. Maybe if the EAGLES win, I can get my car flipped!
sucks dude,
sorry about that.
just donated.
oh man ted! this is a serious suck. i was sort of sad that i missed the after game insanity, but stuff like that makes me sad for philly.
Ted is a stand-up guy notorious in Philly for making fun things happen for other people to enjoy and for being a nice person in the world. He is also the type of person who would not drive without insurance, but like most people, might not have the kind of insurance that covers a riot. He also leads a very public life and living a public life does nothing if not keep you honest. I'm sure alot of people, who are also real, can assure you this car is his. Ted is also so nice that he would probably not assume that college kids would invade Philly and flip his car over. He's not the sort to express happiness in that "flip your car over" kind of way. So, throw ten bucks at the guy and know you did something nice for someone. I think the awesome blog design alone deserves 10 bucks. Hi Ted!
poor car and poor ted! hope this works out for ya.
Ahh!! AHH!!! check your email, ted.
Ted, I donated. Is this your car:
If so, take this photo to the cops and good luck finding the morons who are dancing all over it.
thats what you get for parking there numb nuts.. real bright idea. I hope you get pneumonia whilst skateboarding to video something..
wow. i just saw your story on action news, and i feel really bad for you. this is the kind of thing that give us philly fans a bad name. i don't get why stupid people get it in their heads to destroy things when they're happy; it just doesn't make sense. best of luck to you.
Regardless of anyone's judgment on where Ted parked his car, NO ONE has the right to destroy personal property. If I ever catch the Boston College students who vandalized my brand-new car in that city 3 years ago--and I lived on a quiet side street, people--I will tie their testicles around their heads. And yes, you can all watch.
wow... Ted this sucks. I feel for you man.
Craig, before you call someone else an idiot - a couple things.
A. Teds car was at Washington, not walnut.
B. Car you are talking about at Walnut was not parked at 45degree angle, it was moved by rioters to a 45 degree angle.
C. Believe it or not, not everyone in the world follows baseball and would have known that the Phils were going to win last night. Thus being able to avoid this.
D. Saw Teds car, it was parked legally.
saw you on the news... i feel thats proof enough all these people are asking for... you seem to be taking this very well and you have a great attitude... good luck... i gave for me and my dad... keep us updated on your amount you raised... u said on the news you had 800
I know EXACTLY what you are going though. I am going through the same EXACT thing. I was parked on the 1300 block on Walnut Street right next to Robinsons Luggage. My car got flipped over and destroyed as well and it is now totaled. It has been all over the media. It is the red Honda. I am stuck too. I lost my job and am unemployed. I don't know how I am going to pay for my car either. I don't have the money to buy another one. I just saw you on the news. That is great that you made $800 so far. Can you help me set something up on the Internet? How did you get on the news? How are you getting the word out? Any help would be appreciated. Also, below are some links that show you my car. Thanks in advance for your help.
Good luck; I hope you get enough to fix your car. I totally feel your pain. Someone slashed the tires of a bunch of cars parked on my block, including my own. And I live like 10 blocks off of Broad. Boo.
jerseys got you!
Why would Ted park his car so close to Broad Street?
Because he lives just a few doors down from it.
Ted is a stand-up fella who's given me lotsa rides. He's also big fan of the Phils. You don't have to give him your hard-earned cash, just don't give him a hard time.
Here's mud in your tank, Ted.
Thanks so much to all my awesome friends for coming to my rescue in so many ways. It's the best thing to come out of this!
I know some people wanted more proof that the car was mine and I'm not running some pyramid scheme. That's totally understandable if you don't know me. Here's a link to an action news video story on me and the car that should help with that: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/sports/pro/baseball&id=6480268#bodyText
As far as why I parked on Broad St. it's cause it's where I always park. I live two doors from Broad Street. I hadn't driven for two days and didn't think about it. If you care to share a decision that you regret in hindsight too you should email me and we can share.
Hey I have a 1982 300TD Stationwagon that I recently took off the market that I can put back on for you. I'll knock some bucks off. Good luck with everything.
Fuckin' Philly fans are a discrace to the professional sporting community. And to think - they have all the heart in the world, it just seems that they don't give a flying fuck about their city because they destroy it. I mean - what kind of fans are they? Besides assholes...
I saw your story on the news last night. I can't believe that happened to your car. That is really a shame. People should know how to act and not destroy other people's property. I hope you get enough money to get it fixed.
Good luck!
Just wondering why you decided to leave your car down there in the first place?
Why the hell did you leave your car down there in the first place?
Hey Ted,
I don't know you, but I got a message about your situation this morning from a mutual friend. I hope my ten measly bucks helps out somehow, and please keep us updated!
Ted, this is way lame. I posted an entry on my blog about it. Good luck my man.
How much have you raised so far?
seriously... you live and philly and don't have comprehensive coverage? that's just unwise.
why not try to collect from the city?
Sounds like the Phillies oughta pitch in a bit, eh?
Sorry 'bout yer car. :(
I read about the craziness. Sorry to hear that some people can't celebrate w/o making total jackasses of themselves.
Hope $10 helps!
(You might consider helping the other ppl who got their cars flipped, too...)
Damn Philly... can't you guys have anything good without messing it up for someone else?
hey dear ted
here's bucks for the cause. What a dumb way to celebrate, sorry that happened to you. Hope the same thing doesn't happen when Obama wins, though some joyous public revelry would be great.
For those of you giving ted a hard time for parking near his house, not assuming a bunch of morons would flip his car, I'd say you are off your rockers.
Here's to assuming that respect, mutual aid, and responsible revelry exist in Philly.
love beth
Hey Ted,
Sorry to hear about your car, saw it on the news. Hope my donation can help you out a little. Other than this event I hope all is well with you and yours. Good Luck Bro!
(AKA guy that did props on Robot Boy)
Sangett, you're a dumbass. You're making it sound like the whole city was destroyed after this parade and it was mass chaos. There people KILLED in Boston after the Red Sox won. All that happen in Philly were 76 arrests and some minor vandalism. No deaths. There were deaths in Chicago when the Bulls won for the first time too.
I live and work in Philadelphia. The celebration today and on Wednesday was contained and for the most part was well contained. It's not fair to criticize and ridicule a whole city's fan base on some bad apples.
Ted, sorry to hear about your car. Hope you get the $$ you need.
PS. Sorry for the poor grammar in my message. I didn't read it before I posted it. Point remains though, you're a dumbass for being judgmental.
Hey man, sorry to hear about your car. I know if I were in your position I would appreciate the donation so I will do just that. Good luck with everything.
perhaps you've thought of this, or someone else mentioned it, but just in case....you should think about contacting local t.v. shows, like morning/afternoon news shows and the like. maybe you could get some coverage that would lead to help!
I just want to say I know Ted and it's not a scam. and it's reasonable for him to park near his house and not expect it to get flipped over. Ted's a good guy and I'm sorry he's having to deal with this! I hope people's donations will cover the costs.
Hello Ted,
We've never met, but a friend of mine was the cinematographer on Robot Boy (Jonathan Rosenberg). I'll get the word through his network of friends. Should be able to get you a few more dollars. i'll be contributing momentarily.
Aw snap your car got flipped! Good luck pops! I'm way too cheap to help out, and with the Pirates unlikely to win the World Series again in my lifetime, what goes around probably won't come around.
ted is an excellent, incredibly nice and generous guy. I was with him on wednesday evening and I will verify that he did not flip the car himself, nor is it someone else's car. :) we came back to his house after a few hours of watching the peaceful, silly celebrations, and were horrified to find his car upside down in the street.
because he lives right off of broad street, it's always been really great for his friends, who can come and warm up during the Mummers or other events. And he is always hosting musical acts or putting on art show or showing excellent films, for friends and strangers alike. but now his convenient location has caused him a huge loss. I'm donating money, but if anyone else can replace that pumpkin butter he had in the backseat, I'm sure he'd appreciate that, too!
Ted Passon is an amazing, generous, and upstanding citizen, who has organized awesome, affordable events in Philly for years.
Ted - I'm happy to give you $20, as a small return for all the rides you've provided over the years. You deserve a better car, too!
It would be really nice to hear from the author how much money has been raised. Ted?
Ted, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. I couldn't donate much, but I sent what I could. I hope you're able to get a decent replacement!
-A fellow Philly artist, Emily
nice animated gif dude! leet!
Sorry about your car.
You're a great guy and deserve better.
Here's $50.
Im sorry about your car. I see it every day because I live a block away. The people who are calling you an idiot for parking your car know nothing about this area. I wish you luck in your quest.
dear ted, sorry about your car! good luck! to everyone else, yes ted is a real person, this is really his car, and he's a really nice guy.
Hi Ted,
I live right at the corner of Broad and Ellsworth and saw you there filming the video and such. I see the car still parked right near Crown Fried with the sign on it. I don't have paypal, but I looked you up on the white pages and will come by your place today or tomorrow to toss you 10 bucks for this.
Take care!
All Philly fans are morons, so you guys should all walk to unemployment and forget about cars. How did you get your driver's license anyway?
Serves you right for living in such a scumy city with the rest of the dregs of society!
To griiffeygoesdeep and aarating:
Sorry the Rays lost :(
Dude, I just got off work and walked past your car, near the Crown Fried Chicken. OMG!! People the pictures don't even do the damage justice. The bumper is in the back seat, all the windows are busted in, all panels are bent beyond repair and the mirrors are torn off. All I can say is wow and I'm really sorry that this happened to your car. It's great that you were being such a good sport about it. I don't know, I think I'd have flipped and lost my mind, lol. So yes, I'll be sending a few dollars also. Good luck!
Just kidding, dude. Maybe become a Mets fan? It hurts, sure, but at least we win gracefully. :)
Ted, I hope you use some of this money to get a new insurance policy.
Theodore its your cousin Jen. Sorry to hear about this mess dude. I don't understand why people are saying that you should have know better. First of all I suspect that's where you always park since you live around there and since when is it common practice for people to flip cars after winning a championship? If it's any consolation, just know that karma is a b*tch and those scumbags will get what's coming to them. Anyway I'm making my donation.. :)
I just heard bits and pieces of you on WMMR. I think it sucks what happened to your car. Now it's unfortunate that now people will remember you as an example and move their cars off of Broad street on a night where there's a possibility of a Philly Sports team winning a championship.
I'd love to help, but I'm unemployed & broke.
Honestly, I'd like to see the girl with the Red car get a lot of help, too! Looks like her car got a lot more damage.
Good luck to ya Ted!
Yea, my car got flipped too. The only difference is that my car got flipped in West Chester.
Everyone can comment about how they think it was your mistake to park your car on a Broad street, but the fact of the matter is, if it wasn't you car it would of been someone else. If it wasn't someones car the drucking fans would of found something else to distroy.
When it all comes down to it, Philadelphia Phillie's fans have NO REPECT for thier own city.
TED!!! I just watched the video, and saw who you were!! It is Janine's sister Carisa! I am so sorry about your car, I will throw a few dollars your way :) I hope you
are doing well!
Ted, I know they are on sale because of the gas crisis, but I never thought I would see you driving around in a new H2 HUMMER!!! Nice rims though!!!
how much u want for ur car that got flipped? u_states@yahoo.com
All Teds go to heaven. It'll all work out, Tedster, you'll see.
Next time plan better. Don't park on Broad when there's a chance that the city who's fans throw snow balls at Santa may win the world series. Funny idea about the money, though. But I can't see how you can ask random people on broad that night to pay for your poor planning
So next time a team might win, all cars on Broad street should be moved off the entire 4 or so mile stretch in South Philly just in case some people get the urge to flip one over? This wasn't in Center City. It was random. There were thousands of cars parked on Broad street that night that were not messed with, except for the silly string.
what's with all the asshole comments? does parking your car anywhere warrant anonymous people to flip it over? because they're really happy? where's all the commentary about self-control and nonviolence? how is parking your car on the street poor planning, previous commenter? all to say, here's some cash $$ ted. sorry bout all dat.
I would love to see the posts of these imbeciles (who are making the victim out to be an idiot for parking on Broad Street) if it had been *THEIR* cars being flipped. What has happened to the collective consciousness that allows anyone to accept this destructive behavior as "normal"? I am so happy to see that there are still people in the world like Ted and the people who are donating. It is my fervent hope that their good will can overcome the negativity the rest of these selfish, irresponsible fools generate.
there's no way I'm gonna give you any money. All I can do is be myself and give you a genuine Juliet Wayne letter to the editor of the Citypaper. Being all over the local news is one thing- But when I opened the paper and went to the blurb about the storytelling finals and saw that they devoted the whole thing to you and your car I realized things had gone to far.
You can't tell me your surprised.
WAAAAAAHHHHHH your car got flipped.
You idiot. WTF were you parking on broad street to begin with? Jeeze, I just moved here and even I know not to park on the road in the damn city before a championship. Or at least have decent insurance.
You rolled the dice thinking your car won't be flipped, and you lost. Now you're whining because you were an idiot? And it's apparently the city's fault.
Also, you live in the damn CITY, why the hell don't you have vandalism insurance? That's like living next to a river and not having flood insurance.
Unlike the person who got their car flipped in West Chester, you don't deserve anything.
Anyone who gives you 10 bucks is a moron. Just like you.
Barry... did you flip my car?
man you don't need a new car - you're famous!
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Boy they are fast. Make good use of your 15 minutes of fame :-)
Why the hell are all these idiots bitching about not having full coverage on a 10 year old car in a city? You'd probably pay more in a year than the car is worth, and what the insurance company would pay you back.
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